Friday, January 02, 2009

Birding in 2009

My 2009 lists have a turtle's pace. I am once again doing my year list, as well as a Bigby list (Big Green Big Year). What is the Big Green Big Year? Essentially it is carbon neutral birding. Only walking, biking, or using public transit to watch and enjoy those feathered friends. If you want to follow what I've seen to date, check the birding lists links on the sidebar.

Last year my Bigby list included birds seen in and around walking/biking distance of my home, as well as those birds seen in my work excursions around the park, and a few necessary work trips. This year I am going to limit my Bigby list to only those birds seen in and around my home within walking/biking distance. I know my list will probably be much smaller (of course how can you get much smaller than 71, which is what I saw while Bigbying last lear), but my motivation in doing it this way is to encourage more walking and biking excursions on my days off and to get to know good birding locations right around home-sweet-home. And unlike last year, where I just took what I got, with no goal in mind, this time I'd like to set myself a small goal. To encourage me to get out. So my goal for my Bigby list this year is 75. Small, yes. But having only seen a total of 71 last year, including those seen at work, I think this will be a true challenge. And fun too.

Of course the real purpose for me in doing any kind of birding, is just for the chance to get outside; walking, exploring, watching, listening, breathing...just being in nature. Even if that means nature is my concrete neighborhood.


noflickster said...

Hi Wendy,

Interesting coincidence: I included my workplace (Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary) in my Bigby list last year but decided to only include walking/biking areas around my home this go round. I landed at 103 (I think, I still have checklists to enter to figure out the exact total), and I'm sure of a significant drop without Sapsucker Woods birds. But like you say, the point is to be outside and "be" in nature. Here's to a great 2009!

BTW, I've tagged you for the "six random things" meme, I suspect those words are either the most welcome or most dreaded for any blogger. Apologies if you've done this already and I missed it!

Michael said...

Good luck on you BIGBY list. Do you log your miles? You have some beautiful habitat to explore.