We've been having more snow, and more cold weather the past few days. It's made me want to hunker down inside. And because of that, I haven't been out much except on a few walks here and there through the neighborhood. Hence I haven't seen too many new birds this past month.
However, the highlight of the one trip I did go on was a nice flock of Red Crossbills. I got two lousy pictures of them, one better than the other posted here. These were a first for me.
The next day at work, I just happened to pass by the window that looks out to our feeders and took a quick look at a very serendipitous moment. There, right in front of me, were three White-winged Crossbills. Another first. Not just for me, but as far as I know, for the park as well.
Congrats on the two new species, the White-winged and Red Crossbills! Isn't it fun to find new birds we have never seen.
Since getting my new camera, I have found that there are many things I don't see on first look when viewing birds. I actually took a photo last week of some Common Mergansers to find a Killdeer sitting right next to them in the photo that I never saw!
I have been working hard on learning more bird songs also as we usually hear them before we see them (especially this time of year when the trees leaf out).
I believe the bird in your first set of photos is one of my favorite birds, the Ruby-crowned Kinglet! Check out my post on this cute little guy and see what you think. If it moved constantly and flitted its wings, it was a Ruby.
Larry. Yes, you are exactly right. It is in fact a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. I don't see them very often, and didn't see the red on the head. But it was moving constantly. And now that I check, it fits those characteristics much better. I should have realized it wasn't behaving like a flycatcher.
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