Saturday, February 12, 2011


I love when I hear these words - "Hey Wendy, what kind of bird is this?", because it usually means it isn't one that is commonly hanging around the bird feeders.

Oh cool (as I sprint back to get my binoculars).

My boss comes to look. "It's a Kestrel."

"Oh, it is not." I say. He shoves me for my retort.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Okay, I know I'm kinda strange...

but this just makes me happy.

In case you don't know what you are looking at - that is my gloved finger pointing to a tiny little Ermine dropping. Ermine dropping - shaped like the animal who left it - long and skinny.

I saw this little Ermine (a.k.a short-tailed weasel) bounding around the snow near an old building in the park. I stood very still and watched it as it bounded here and there, checking out this and that, disappearing beneath the snow and reappearing again a few feet away.

After it disappeared from sight, I followed it's little tracks.

Perfect little Ermine tracks.

Cutest little foot prints. 

 Hop, and down under the snow it goes. 

 Perfect little Ermine hole.

 And off into the shrubbery it goes.

Friday, February 04, 2011

::Head bouncing::

I'm too tired to be productive any more today. So I'm going to stop trying.

That's all.

Oh, and I saw cute little squirrel tracks today.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Final Frontier

I've spent a lot of time the past few weeks with my head up in space. I am taking an online workshop with Astronomy From the Group Up (AFGU).  The title of the workshop is called Sky Rangers! I love it. It is an 8 week course to learn all about what's in the night sky and how to inspire others to look up and wonder.

One of the resources that I have absolutely loved and spent way too much time playing with is called Stellarium.  It is a free planetarium for your computer. It shows you a realistic view of the sky - at any time of the day, year or location. It will show you the constellations from 12 different cultures, nebulae, open clusters, close ups of the planets. The stars even twinkle! It's pretty darn fun to play with. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the night sky. It will certainly help you figure out what's up there, making your actual night sky observations more enjoyable.

The night sky showing the location of a couple of planets and the incredible Milky Way.